It's Free! And Takes 2 Minutes To Sign Up 11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

LIVE! 5-Day AI Sprint With PENG JOON! 11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

LIVE! 5-Day AI Sprint With PENG JOON!

11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

"You Suddenly LOSE EVERYTHING..."

"Given The Opportunities AI Has Presented...

What Would You Do From Day 1 To Day 5 To Save Yourself...?"

It’s Not Too Late - Day 5 Starts In…

It’s Not Too Late - Day 1 Starts In...

It's Free! And Takes 2 Minutes To Sign Up 11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

Ever find yourself wondering...

Is this AI hype for real, or just a load of BS?

You're not alone. In today's digital jungle, everyone's talking about AI, funnels, and the magical money-making machine they call online sales. It all sounds like a blast, but here's the kicker...

If you're sitting there thinking, "I'm a total newbie, no offers, no lists, no traffic, no funnel - how on earth can I ride the AI wave to those jaw-dropping profits I keep hearing about?".

I'm Peng Joon, founder of SalesProcess, and I'm here to spill the beans...

You see... one of the most common questions that I get is...

If you had to start all over, if you lost everything you had...

NO social media following, NO team, NO offer, NO funnel, NO capital...

NOTHING... What would you do?

Have you ever thought about that?

One day, you wake up to a nightmare scenario. Your bank account is drier than the Sahara, your reputation is in tatters, and you're on a first-name basis with relentless bill collectors.

Your phone rings incessantly with demands for money you don't have. But here's the plot twist: you've still got a roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection.

Say goodbye to your fancy guru status, your legion of followers, and your celebrity JV partners. You're now just another face in the crowd, an unknown newbie in the ruthless world of marketing.

All you're left with is your treasure trove of marketing wisdom and the vast realm of possibilities that AI has unfurled before you. 

So, here's the million-dollar question: In just 5 days, armed with nothing but your know-how and the AI advantage, what would you do to save yourself from this impending disaster?

I’ve answered this question multiple times in the past and the answer before this without AI has been significantly different.

With AI, everything has changed.

So, here's the million-dollar question: In just 5 days, armed with nothing but your know-how and the AI advantage, what would you do to save yourself from this impending disaster?

I’ve answered this question multiple times in the past and the answer before this without AI has been significantly different.

With AI, everything has changed.

People Wanted To Know EXACTLY What I Would Do To Get Back On Top...

Day #1... what would I do?

Day #2... what would I do?

Day #3... what would I do?

and so on for 5 days.

This is where I want to invite you on this 5-day AI sprint.

Here's What Others Have Said About The Previous Event...

Here's What You'll Implement

From The 5-Day Sprint:


Current Landscape of AI

“If You Lost EVERYTHING... What Would You Do Given the Opportunities AI Has Presented NOW?”

You've heard of ChatGPT, right? That AI tool that's been taking the world by storm? Well, let me tell you, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The engine that powers ChatGPT, GPT4, has consumed over 175 million points of data. It's read every book, every blog post, and even transcribed every YouTube video on the web.

That's right, every single one.

And here's the kicker - GPT4 is making itself smarter every single day. It's just waiting for the computing power to catch up, and when it does, things are going to get crazy.

People are already using AI to write books in just three days, create engaging stories, and even write songs. But just imagine what will happen when GPT4 has a billion parameters - 1000 times more knowledge and power than it has now.

The possibilities are endless. 

I dare say this, right now, you’re not fully utilising AI to its potential.

By the end of day one, you’ll discover what the top 0.1% of people are doing with AI, The 'REAL' Reason Why Everyone Should Use AI (it's not what you think) and how to spot the different opportunities out there.


Evergreen AI Sales

“If You Lost EVERYTHING... What AI-Powered Offer Would You Create NOW?”

Imagine Having an Army of 10,000 Writers, Designers, Programmers, Developers, Artists & Creative People Working for You 24/7 That Never Make a Mistake At Your Disposal...

What Would You Do?

Are you ready to create the work of thousands with just a few tools?

By the end of day 2 we unveil the secrets to effortlessly selling AI-powered offers. This method thrives even if you don't boast any social media following or a substantial online audience. It's time to unlock the future of sales...


The 'New Way' To Use AI

“If You Lost EVERYTHING... How Would You Use AI to Sell One to Many NOW?”

Imagine Being Hooked Up to a Matrix-Like Machine to Master Any Skillset... Without the Troublesome Wires

I’d like to think I’m a pretty good copywriter, but even then, I used AI to assist me with writing this copy and it cut my writing time by at least 75%.

Despite having no talent for graphics, I started using AI to generate images and suddenly I'm creating masterpieces.

It's like magic.

What used to take my full time illustrator 9 hours to hand draw images of me, I can now push a button and have it rendered in 27 seconds.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. 

I can streamline and automate my entire business.

Honestly, with all these incredible tools at my fingertips, I feel unstoppable.

As a marketer, I can conquer anything.

By the end of Day 3, you'll not only grasp how to harness these diverse opportunities but also master the art of selling them.


AI-Powered Traffic

“If You Lost EVERYTHING... How Would You Use AI to Generate Tons of Clicks, Traffic and Sales NOW?”

You see... ultimately AI tools are just well... tools.

My team and I have done the hard work for you. We've spent countless hours vetting hundreds of automation tools, and we've wasted tens of thousands of dollars in recurring billings so that you don't have to.

We know that figuring out which tools to use can be a daunting task, not to mention a huge time and money suck. That's why we've taken it upon ourselves to do the legwork for you.

You can trust that we've done our due diligence and found the best of the best.

And the best part? You don't have to spend a dime on tools that won't work for your business.

We've already weeded out the bad apples so that you can focus on what really matters: growing your business.


The Future of AI

“If You Lost EVERYTHING... How Do You Secure Your Business and Your Family NOW Based on the Inevitable Change that Will Happen?”

The Business Applications are Really Just Limited By Your Imagination...

Customer Support:

For starters, you can use AI to chat with customers and provide quicker, more personalized answers. Say goodbye to high customer service costs and hello to happy customers...

Personalised Messaging:

And when it comes to marketing, AI can help you create personalized messages for each person on your list as though you took the time to write that message and send to only that 1 persona.


Images for social media, funnels, websites, brochures, printing, you name it, what used to take days from a designer can now be generated in a matter of seconds.

Customer Support:

For starters, you can use AI to chat with customers and provide quicker, more personalized answers. Say goodbye to high customer service costs and hello to happy customers...

Personalised Messaging:

And when it comes to marketing, AI can help you create personalized messages for each person on your list as though you took the time to write that message and send to only that 1 persona.


Images for social media, funnels, websites, brochures, printing, you name it, what used to take days from a designer can now be generated in a matter of seconds.


Put in the right prompts and now it looks like it’s written by a top world class copywriter without the $30,000 price tag. Writing amazing sales copy has never been easier.

Social Media:

Plan out and create unlimited content for your website and social media accounts in a matter of minutes.

Text to Voice:

Have AI train to learn your voice, and then you can simply type in text to make it sound just like you. Or if you don’t like your own voice (nobody likes how their own voice sounds), you can edit it to sound like anyone else.


Put in the right prompts and now it looks like it’s written by a top world class copywriter without the $30,000 price tag. Writing amazing sales copy has never been easier.

Social Media:

Plan out and create unlimited content for your website and social media accounts in a matter of minutes.

Text to Voice:

Have AI train to learn your voice, and then you can simply type in text to make it sound just like you. Or if you don’t like your own voice (nobody likes how their own voice sounds), you can edit it to sound like anyone else.


You can also have your works translated into multiple languages and even turned into audiobooks or podcasts. Talk about reaching a global audience.


When it comes to streamlining your business, AI is the answer. You can automate everything from FAQ and product service videos to cold outreach campaigns and lead generation. And with our tools, you can even create 100 pages of ORIGINAL content in less than a minute. Imagine the time and money you'll save.


You can analyze your job candidate data, create candidate profiles, automate your email responses, and even browse resumes without ever being present. It's like having a team of superhuman recruiters at your fingertips.


You can also have your works translated into multiple languages and even turned into audiobooks or podcasts. Talk about reaching a global audience.


When it comes to streamlining your business, AI is the answer. You can automate everything from FAQ and product service videos to cold outreach campaigns and lead generation. And with our tools, you can even create 100 pages of ORIGINAL content in less than a minute. Imagine the time and money you'll save.


You can analyze your job candidate data, create candidate profiles, automate your email responses, and even browse resumes without ever being present. It's like having a team of superhuman recruiters at your fingertips.

It's Free! And Takes 2 Minutes To Sign Up 11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

Don’t Just Take My Word For It...

Here’s What Others Who Have Worked With Me or Attended My Events In the Past Have Said

Watch How Sterling Griffin Generated a $400k Weekend After Working With Us & Utilising Our System

Watch How Alison Prince Went From Zero to $1.4MM in 6 Months...

And We Have Hundreds More Of Testimonials Like This...

Eileen Wilder Went From Doing Her First Event That Did $92k (with only 14 people...)

Why Top Influencers like Julius Dein Work With Us to Scale and Monetise...

"After training with Peng Joon, I have learned how to monetise my brand, I have greater clarity on what direction I'm heading, and my business has been transformed and multiplied because of Peng Joon."

- Julius Dein

How Tian Yi Scaled to Nearly $2MM in the First Year Working with Us...

“As a direct result of learning with Peng Joon, I actually created my own online training program, The Iron Mastery and the results was overwhelming! Take it from me, he will definitely change your life.”

- Jordan Yeoh

Ready To Rewrite Your Destiny?

Before This Sprint

After This Sprint

Before This Sprint

  • Overwhelmed with too much information on AI

  • Feeling lost and without direction on how to gain control of my future

  • Not where you want to be in life, business or your career

  • Tired of not living up to your full potential for income or impact

After This Sprint

  • Generate sales NOW using AI by having an AI-powered offer, funnel and traffic

  • Filled with CLARITY and direction on exactly what you should be doing when it comes to AI

  • Feeling CONFIDENT about the potential of AI and how to integrate it in your business

  • A real action plan to create an AI-powered sales process

  • Ready to utilise AI to its potential and potentially have an army of 10,000 robots at your disposal...

It's Free! And Takes 2 Minutes To Sign Up 11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

Here’s What Others Have to Say About My Work

Russell Brunson

“If You’re Doing Events You Have to Work with Peng Joon and His Team”...

Russell Brunson

“If You’re Doing Events You Have to Work with Peng Joon and His Team”...

Myron Golden

“My Mind Is Blown... I’ve Done Millions of Dollars from the Stage and I’m So Glad I Attended This Training. It’s Worth Your Time, Your Focus, and Your Energy”...

Robert Kiyosaki

“I’ve met many fake teachers in my career. Peng Joon is the real deal.”

Robert Kiyosaki

“I’ve met many fake teachers in my career. Peng Joon is the real deal.”

“You Do Not Have To Be an Industry Legend to Get Legendary Results...”



It's Time to Own the Future with AI

Because AI Won't Replace Humans... But Humans With AI Will Replace Humans Without AI

It’s going to be the worst of times for many but the best of times for a small percentage. Which side are you going to be on?

It's Free! And Takes 2 Minutes To Sign Up 11th - 15th September 2024 9AM - 11AM

5-Day AI Sprint by Peng Joon

©2024 - All Rights Reserved

5-Day AI Sprint by Peng Joon

©2024 - All Rights Reserved